i don't know if i'll ever open these, but just in case i do...


Will DrawWill Not Draw
Ponies/Pokemon/Other AnimalsHeavy Gore
Mild GoreAnything I am uncomfortable with
Fan Characters 
Canon Characters (includes OC x Canon) 
Problematic Dynamics (incest/abuse/age gaps) 
Fetish Art (all characters are in their 70s ;)) 

By commissioning me, you automatically agree to the following rules;

  • I will not start on your commission until I receive payment.

  • Please send me clear references of your character. Images preferred.

  • Please tell me about any deadlines or poses or any other details you want me to keep in mind.

  • Commissioned work is for personal use only (icons/headers/etc.)

  • Do NOT turn my art into a NFT (non-fungible token), or anything else blockchain/crypto-related.

  • I have the right to decline any commission that makes me uncomfortable.

Payment Process:

  • DM/email me for a slot

  • Send commission details

  • I approve the commission request

  • Paypal upfront to [email protected]

  • I'll send sketches/lineart for adjustments before I colour

  • I can send a higher quality version of the final product via email


HumanoidsBust: $11 || Half-body: $21 || Full-body: $32
PoniesBust/Half-body: $7 || Full-body: $16
Animals (Feral)Bust/Half-body: $7 || Full-body: $16
CreaturesBust: $11 || Half-body: $16 || Full-body: $21
DragonsBust: $21 || Half-body: $37 || Full-body: $52
Simple-ShapedHead: $3 || Head + Body: $6
BackgroundsSimple: $6 || Medium: $11 || Complex: $21


Additional characters are 50% off regular price for each character, unless they're dragons. Dragons do not get a discount for additional characters.Pokemon prices are scaled off of what category they'd fall under the most. However, Dragon-type or dragon-esque Pokemon fall under "Creatures" instead.


$6 CAD each$33 CAD
#1 - $6 CAD#4 - $7 CAD
#2 - $6 CAD#5 - $6 CAD
#3 - $6 CAD#6 - $6 CAD

google drive link to higher quality photos


  • Payment upfront to [email protected]

  • All adopt payments are to be made in CAD through PayPal via invoices.

  • After payment has been processed, you will receive an email with a full resolution transparent file of your adopt.

  • The design belongs to you fully and entirely. You can do whatever you want with it, and I mean /whatever/. You can change the design, you can resell it at a higher price, you can make it completely unrecognizable, I could not care less.

  • I retain the legal rights to the art I make of my designs. Any art I make for you is for personal use only.

  • You must credit me as the creator of my drawn reference image of your design, if you use it.